Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The Seven Sump Seas Necromunda Pirate Adventures continue

 Our first game in the new 4-player campaign was a 4-player Boarding Action scenario from the Book of the Sump.  Each gang started in a corner with a boat.  The objective was to just take out as many enemy Pirates and enemy boats as possible in 8 turns.

I found this 2-Can Sump Coffee Stout and had to buy it:

Not actually as good as I had hoped, but very thematic.

One of the great things about this campaign is that all 4 of us have Pirate-themed gangs and three of the four of us have Outcast Gangs and the fourth gang is a Venerator gang.

We each had 7 gangers of our choice to take part in the battle.

My Pirate Crew are as follows:

Captain "Bonney Steve" Bennet the Gentleman Pirate

First Mate "Fiery" Jack

Bartholemeu "Bart" Roberts

Bartelby De Jager

Benjamin Hornigold

Cornelius Essex

Jean du Casse

"Red Legs" Greaves

Thomas Woolerly

Vincenzo Alessandri

"Jolly" Roger

On to pics of the battlefield and the game.

Here is the board with the Sump Beer can as part of the terrain. We ended up removing i from the board but I think I am going to incorporate it into some Sump terrain in the future.

In each corner there is a boat, which is the deployment zone for each gang.

Here is another angle of the board; pre-deployment.

This would end up being my deployment corner.

I brought my new treasure chest full of dice and markers themed for the Pirate campaign.

Pirate Captain Bonney Steve Bennet making a bridge with his boat to help the rest of his crew onto the floating platform.

The Pirates begin moving onto the platform when they see another pirate emerge from the sump in a Subnautican Suit.

Captain Steve tries to shoot the Subnautican with his Shotgun.

Captain Steve finally hits his target who then gets pinned on top of the platform.

Meanwhile Frederico Finalio rams his boat into another Pirate Crew's boat
 and charges onto it taking it over.

Captain Steve has more important things to do at the moment than worry about Frederico Finalio as another Pirate vrew tries to dock at his platform with an Ambot in tow!

The Ambot charges onto the platform but can't quite make the charge.  He is then hurt and pinned with Captain Steve and Bartholemew Roberts' shooting.  Captain Steve and Roberts are then both pinned.

Frederico Finalio, after having dispatched one pirate crew is now heading for Captain Steve.

One of Frederico's Crew is on top of the tall platform advancing as his captain takes the boat.

Most of Captain Steve's crew is hurt but they refuse to bottle as the game ends.

All four of the boats were free to the gangs in this scenario.  Frederico's gang won the mission but everyone ended up getting some credits; which was one reason I chose this mission for the week.  Captain Steve ended up with no lasting injuries and my crew came out of this with 4 in Recovery heading into the next week but no one was killed outright, so a win in my book.

I have decided that the really large ship called "The Revenge" which I posted pics of in my previous blog entry would be Captain Steve's final goal as a Pirate; he needs to buy that ship eventually.  

I have decided to not buy any new gangers or buy them any gear upgrades.  I am simply stashing away all of my credits in my stash and saving up for the ship.  Another experiment with this gang is that outside of Captain Steve and "Jolly" Roger, my Ogryn, no one has any armor.  I have come to think that unless the armor is really good like a 3+ or 2+ save then its not super useful and I am testing that theory in this campaign.

Next blog post I will have last week's game and I will post up the Campaign Packet that I have made for this campaign.  I decided I needed to codify some things so we had a general outline of what we would be doing from week-to-week.

Until then...

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