Friday, October 18, 2024

Last night's Ash Wastes Campaign Games

 I know its been awhile but I am going to try and start posting again.

Last night we played week 4 of my 6 week Ash Wastes Campaign: "Journey to Hive Secundus"

Check out my Youtube video about this campaign here:

Week 4 was the downtime week where the gangs have arrived in Ashgrad and they had to pick which townsfolk they wanted to take a mission from.

Since we had 5 townsfolk with 5 different scenarios possible but only 6 players so only 3 games we had to choose which scenario somehow.

I came up with the idea of everyone rolling 3d6 and the highest roll picks a townsfolk and there scenario.  The next highest roll picks either a different townsfolk or decides to be play the scenario the highest roller took.  Once 3 scenarios are chosen the remaining players have to pick one of the three to play.  We keep doing that until all three games are figured out.

Here are the rules we used for week 4:

I rolled a 6 for weather which meant Nate, Ty, Chuck and myself were going to suffer.

We ended up with the following 3 games:

Jacob and Mike played the Forgotten Riches Scenario.

Ty and Nate played the Target Practise Scenario.

Myself and Chuck played the Fuel Hunt Scenario.

The games were a mixed bag I think.

Forgotten Riches is a strange old scenario that uses the old N17 tiles and may not be suitable for certain gangs.  I had to add rewards to it also since it didn't come with any as it was originally written.

Target Practise combined with the weather meant that the scenario ended too soon for either player to score enough points to win so it was a draw and no one got any money.  That was not what I had hoped would happen for that scenario.

The game I played with Chuck worked pretty well.  I actually liked the addition of the weather effects on this game and if I had been paying closer attention I could been using my gutterforged cloak to make saves every turn as Chuck was doing with his special rules the Nomads get.

Over all it was a good evening of Necromunda, and I think with some tweaks it could have been just that bit more fun for everyone.

Necromunda is a very complex game that is hard to get right from an Arbitrator perspective but its very rewarding when people come and play and have fun as was the case last night.

Until next time..