Wednesday, January 18, 2023

SLUDGE - The future of the World Tree will be written here

Next weekend my gaming group will get together for our annual Big Game.  We've modified the format over the years to be more of a con-style event with members of the group running different games throughout the weekend.

This year I plan on playing 4 different games.  On Thursday I will start with Sludge which I will go into more detail below.  On Friday I intend to play Warhammer 30k: Age of Darkness and possibly Necromunda.  On Saturday again 30k and/or Necromunda.  On Friday and Saturday evening probably after 9pm I will be running Heroquest.

So of the above games I am sure that most of my readers have heard of everything except maybe Sludge.

Sludge is a fantasy wargame set on Yggdrasil; The World Tree.  It is a decaying world where branches of the tree have been broken by the overuse of Magic.  The factions of Sludge are stuck in a strange technological world of Black Powder and Magic.

Sean Sutter is the creator of Sludge.  He also designed Relicblade and I am sure other games I am unaware of.

The current way to get the rules is in two magazines; Blaster Vol 3 and Blaster Vol 4. These magazines have rules for multiple games by may different designers in them.  You can get either physical or PDF versions of these magazines on DriveThruRPG (

Here is a link to the official website:

Blaster Vol. 3 has the rules for the game including scenarios and an army list that has units any faction can use.  Blaster Vol. 4 has faction-specific units and some background on the 4 major factions.

One of the really cool things about Sludge is that while Sean has sculpted and sold some miniatures for the game it really is a miniature-agnostic system.  He suggests using historical minis and kit-bashing the factions.

I have been working on building a Basilisk Empire faction.  I have a decent amount of minis assembled and base-coated white.  I also got one unit done and I am working on a second unit.

Here was my recent haul from a game store to begin building the army:

The boxes above included enough models for many many units.

The above were assembled from the boxes I bought at the store minus the one GW fig.

Light Cavalry assembled from the Victrix Bag and the Artillery Box.

The tank kit is from a Chibi-styled WWII tank model kit range.

Painted Imperial Zouaves made from the Austrian Hessians box set.

I will update this blog as I get more models painted and I hope to have 300 points ready by next week's events.  I also want to document the games I play next week in pictures and hopefully get some video also.

Until then..

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