Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Ash Wastes Weekend Day -3: painting continues

 I got a lot painted since the last post.

I have also had to shuffle around some models.  I was originally going to take a Fixer Hanger-on but I realized if I did that then I would only have 5 gangers and 2 champions and in an Outcast gang you must have 3 gangers for every one champion.  So I got rid of the Fixer and added a reserve fighter I had been working on, named Scrooloose.

Here some updated pics:  (I haven't finished the bases yet: they will be painted.)

The Toe Stubber (Leader)

Bubba Zanetti (Champion)

Charlie (Ganger)

Scrooloose (Ganger)

The Twins: Wez and Nux (Gangers)

The Night Rider (Champion)

Sprog (Ganger)

May Swaisey (Ganger)

Nixxo driving a Wolf Quad (Scum Racer)

Vinny the Fixer (Fixer, Hanger-On)

I still have to do the bases on the above models and I have to finish the BOOM Wagon.  I also want to try and make dismounted versions of Sprog and May Swaisey.  The Night Rider is always on his bike.

I have a number of other gangers and a champion in reserve and I hope to get them painted up and also a display base by Friday.  I know its a tall task but I think I can do it.  I can work really fast when need be.

I am working on the Origin Story of The Toe Stubber and his gang and I will share that here once its done.

I will also share the final roster once I get all of the credits figured out and double-check to make sure I built the gang correctly.  Building an Outcast Gang with Vehicles who are also Khorne Worshippers is a fairly complicated endeavor and I wouldn't recommend it to novices.

Anyways.  Until next time...

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